Connection Limit Reached Errors

Understanding Connection Limit Problems

Connection limit errors are fairly common and are a result of how newsreaders connect to the news servers. When you're downloading multiple articles at a time the newsreader will often leave connections open after an article is downloaded, which will quickly utilize all of the connections that you're allowed.

How to Resolve

  1. Make sure that you know how many connections is allowed for your account and configure your newsreader software to only use that many
  2. Disconnect from the news server and close your newsreader
  3. Wait 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  4. Try to connect again and you're connections should be ready to use

Note: All accounts now come with 100 connections, so make sure that your newsreader isn't set to use more than that. 

Connecting to Multiple Servers

With NewsgroupDirect you are allowed to connect to multiple news servers at a time, but the number of connections you are allowed still applies. If you have 50 connections for your account and want to connect to 2 servers at a time, you will need to split those 50 connections between the 2 servers.

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  • 0
    Bill Stander

    This has changed to 50 connections and the above should reflect this

  • 0

    Thanks Bill, we've updated the topic.

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